i did what i said i would do. i'm working on following through, not one of my strong points. i worked out. i worked out with my mini aerobics team which consisted of my 5 year old who was all too excited about it and my two year old who freaks out any time i try to work out. i think it's because he's realizing someone is making me sweat and he figures that's his job. anyways, here's M all ready for the work out. i swear i was as eager to begin as her (okay... i lie).

we set up H on the couch with some toddler friendly activities, tape, a marker and some scissors. hey, i had to do what i can.
m and i began our work out. i attempted some 30 mins to a g-d like body video but my dvd player seems to be in a trial separation with the tv. no fear, i looked up some workout videos On Demand and when M spotted Hip Hop Dance Workouts, she went ape shit. M has never seen a hip hop video in her life yet she still thinks this is a skill she was born with and will show her moves to anyone who will watch... scratch that... anyone. here's us getting our groove on.
obviously she was right. while she looked like she's been doing this her whole life, i looked like and angry duck on steroids.
H finally lost interest in taping himself up and giving his white socks a purple hue and demanded that we 'turn dat dancing off, right now!' with a little persuading, he finally got into it. here's H showing off his moves. he's a maniac, maniac.
after our dance video(s), M decided we needed to do the ab workout. apparently abs are the new Hello Kitty. seeing as i desire an apron free stomach and my workout guru wasn't giving me much of an option. i obliged. while we were working out, H decided to serenade us. right at our heads. as we were working out. i convinced him to move by giving him my mat for 2 seconds then offering to let him take a picture of us. hopefully, you can tell which one is which. thanks for the butt shot, H. thanks.
i had to laugh at the poor man on the ab workout video. he was sweating like a mad man. he had tons of muscles. muscles must be very warm. i'd like to see him try to do the plank with a 24 lbs 2 year old on his back telling him to 'go faster, horsey!'
all in all, it was a successful workout. there were the normal issues that arose, like, having a train driven across my face as i was trying to do crunches or yelling into the bathroom to 'remember to take your undies off first!' i can't wait to see what round two brings.
see you later, blogger land.
yours truly,
lazy ass, et al.
that reminded me of our Pilates sessions.
ReplyDeletewhy? because i was crying like a little baby that time too or did one of my kids pee on themselves?