Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Day 3 and Dreams of Chili Cheese Milkshakes

So far, not so bad. I was doing really well until that damn Sonic chili cheese everything commercial came on. Hell, I'd take chili cheese on a milk shake right about now. I have no self control. Part of the reason I'm doing all of this is to prove to myself that I can stick with something. Then again, I am good at sticking with some things, too bad they're all the 'you're going to die before you see your grand children' things. I'm trying to mentally figure out a balance between eating super healthy and having kick ass body and enjoying what I eat because 'you only live once'. There HAS to be a healthy balance but as of yet, I've been unable to attain it. It's like the fountain of youth, but the fountain of size 4 jeans. I've also found myself with two shopping lists for Trader Joes today. One for me and one for the rest of the family. I haven't quite mastered making food that fits the rules of this and food that my kids will actually eat. The sad part, they're not picky eaters. My cooking is just that crappy. I'm craving something with dill and cucumbers. I'd also like to expose my kids to more fish. Is there organic fish or do you get what you get? If there is no organic fish, can I eat any fish? These are some of the questions I ask myself then end up making myself the same organic, overcooked chicken and freezer burned organic veggies. If I don't learn to mix things up now, it's going to be a rather long and painful month.

I haven't dipped back into exercising yet as I'm fighting off a bit of a cold but I'm hoping to start back up asap. One of my goals is to run to pick up M from school. Its like half a mile away and I'm dreading it. I am really out of shape. If I have to go up and down my staircase more than 2 times, I break a full sweat. Wait, if I go up and down my stair case 3 times a day, can I file that under exercising? I also need tricks on getting rid of the baby belly since neither of my children are technically babies any more. It should not be there.

Okay, I promised M she could play with an online calendar or find the cure for cancer, whatever she does on here in 5 minutes and its been about 15. Good thing she cant tell time yet.

1 comment:

  1. From the Bible:

    Eliminate meats such as beef, pork and veal. Chicken, turkey, lamb and cold water fish such as salmon, mackerel and halibut are acceptable fresh or canned. Select from free range whenever possible and select wild salmon over farm-raised.
