See those pictures? Great maternity shots, right? Look at that little baby growing inside of me. Oh wait, those were from a couple weeks ago. Nope, those aren't maternity shots (at least I hope not although it would make a great episode of I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant). This is what happens to me when I eat gluten and dairy, along with a host of other symptoms that I'll spare you from but I'm sure if you use your imagination, you can figure some of them out. I start off in the morning with a flat(ish), albeit, flabby stomach and if I eat as I please, this is how I look at the end of the day. Scary, huh? People stop me an congratulate me all of the time. They make comments about how 'I have my hands full!' or ask if I know what this little one will be. I'm used to it now. I got really offended at first, but seriously, if I saw someone looking like that out in public, I know I'd congratulate them. Along with being giant, I also feel like I'm pregnant. It is terribly uncomfortable. If this (along with blood tests and other symptoms) isn't enough for me to realize I need to give gluten and possibly dairy up for good, I don't know what is. This, my friends, is why I lost 10 lbs. It is almost like birthing a 10lb baby.
I made it to the gym last week. My sil tagged me there on fb as proof. I worked up quite a sweat... in the sauna. Hey, at least I made it to the gym.
I was not very good this weekend, diet wise, as I had a birthday party to attend and an amazing show my friend Ashley was in that I was lucky enough to see. These events come with alcohol and I have no self control. None.
I'm back on the wagon this week and feeling better already. I'm getting my shakes ready and snacking on some veggies or organic chicken broth here and there.
Wish me luck, I need it. Also, if anyone has any self control they'd like to sell me, I'll pay big bucks. I'm currently looking for an app for one on my Kindle.
You should show an after picture now! I bet your belly is not so bloated after this last week!