the sad part is, i barely did anything yesterday. i did a handful of crunches and pretended like i was on So You Think You Can Dance for maybe 15 mins. i also used 'taking pictures to document this' as an excuse to step away for a second every 2 minutes. i didn't run a marathon. i didn't climb mount everest. i put on some clothes that once fit me but seem to have shrunk in the wash and cut off my circulation for most of the workout. i'm pretty sure that's the only reason i lasted 20 mins. i couldn't feel the lower half of my body.
i had plans of working out today but instead convinced myself my kids need a 'rainy day activity day'. we baked. we played candyland and memory. i taught M Yahtzee and lost miserably (and realized my 5 year old is better than me in... well... everything). i did this all under the guise of being a 'good mom'. really, i just needed to stay seated as long as possible. it was a win-win. the kids got good and messy, i got to keep the angry elves happy. M laughed a lot. H peed on my foot. i had to look away as i couldn't move fast enough to get my foot out from under him. really, just a typical day in my household.
i also realized baking was not a good project for a diet. not. at. all. fresh baked cookies? normally not a huge issue for me but i needed comfort. i had the man flu of the abs. i had to laugh at myself when i then made some gluten free pasta for dinner. i learned very quickly that laughing was entirely too painful so it ended in this funky snort thing that caused a bloody nose. i also learned that one must make sure that they flush the toilet after throwing the bloody nose tp away or one's 5 year old might think she started her period. oops. mom fail.
tomorrow i exercise. my mini guru will make sure of it.
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