Well OBVIOUSLY I fell off the wagon. No, not only because I have not posted in a few months, but because there are serious wheel marks all down my back and my face has been thoroughly shoved down into the mud. I'm a mess. Sure I was making progress, but you know what happened? I stopped. I hit another plateau. And I got depressed. Really depressed. I started thinking about how I will never be able to eat like a "normal" human again. You know, "normal" that word that really means everyone but you when you're comparing yourself to others. I started feeling like everyone could enjoy what they ate besides me. By the way "normal" in no way means "healthy". I was thinking of the "normal" junk-food-overeating-American-way-of-eating-normal. I LOVE my food. I love to eat. And you know what, I was going to eat. Eff-it. I'm over the whole diet thing, I mean hey, what could really happen? So I gain a few pounds back, but at least I'm enjoying life again and enjoying what I was eating.
If only it were that simple. I'm making bad food choices again, and that means I'm being a bad roll model for the kiddo. This simply will not do. I didn't just gain back a few pounds, I gained back A LOT of pounds, so much that my jeans that were almost too big for me at the end of January are now a touch too small. The worst was hearing people say "Don't let all your hard work go to waste". Great cause that only makes me feel worse.
Food and I have a vicious cycle, best described by Fat Bastard: "I eat because I'm sad and I'm sad because I eat." I get upset that I'm not losing weight, so I sabotage myself and end up gaining weight back, then I get upset that I'm gaining weight back so I eat more because "it doesn't matter". Then I gain MORE weight and I eat MORE food. How many of you have been where I am? I had this speech that I gave about 6 months ago to a friend talking about excuses. I was ragging on about making too many excuses for being overweight. And you know what, I was back in that mode after 2 years of being out of it. It MUST be the gluten, if I just stop eating gluten it will go away. I CAN'T lose weight so why bother? I'll never be "skinny". I was a downward spiral going way out of control. Not only was dairy back in my diet, but gluten was.
So again I found myself standing in front of the mirror looking at my whale of a twin wondering how in the WORLD did I get here? I had a picture taken of me the other day and realized how bad it really was. I totally imagined that I looked so much skinner than I do. My face is starting to show my increase in weight, I have a muffin top in my size 12s. Life is not good. I'm not healthy any more. I need change.
I need help with changing.
I realized I don't do so well on my own. I need supervision. I need help. I need someone who is going to TELL me what to do each day and how to do it. And more, I need something besides Paleo. I enjoy a lot of Paleo meals, and I still think that Paleo is great, but it is not always so realistic in today's society. I cannot always eat at restaurant that are only organic. There are going to be times I want to go to the movies and enjoy some popcorn. There are going to be times I'm going to want that horribly bad for me Pazookie from BJ's (hey at least it's gluten free). I need to find a balance between the Paleo diet and my real life.
As I was feeling down I was out with my mom at the farmers market. Looking at all the organic veggies and finding that for the first time in days I was actually hungry. That was an exciting feeling, my body was craving healthy foods. My body was begging for fuel. Next thing I know my daughter is pulling me towards the kettle corn stand. Okay I think, popcorn is not that great for you, but in the scheme of things its not too bad. So I order her a small and offer some to my mom.
"Nope" she says, "I can't have that.".
I'm confused. My mom LOVES popcorn more than I do. "What do you mean you can't have that?"
"I mean that I can't have that. It's not on my diet."
WHOA WHOA WHOA...hold your horsey there Skippy, diet? My mom on a diet? The last diet my mom was on was diet coke. I'm shocked but then worried. The last real diet I remember her trying was Atkins, and I was worried that she was doing some crash diet.
"What 'diet' are you on?"
"I can't have anything but protein for 3 days."
Okay, cause that explains a lot. "WHAT diet is it? is it healthy, why only protein?"
"I"m doing it through a doctor it's healthy."
She goes on to explain what she is doing. The whole time I'm finding that I'm starting to feel jealous. I'm jealous because she has made the amazing decision to stop making excuses for herself and start doing something about her unhealthy lifestyle. It was one of those moments where I realized why I love my mom so much and why she has always been such an amazing role model for me. I was jealous that my mom was going to get healthy and she was making changes, but I was going to be stuck face down in the mud with only my whale twin to keep me company. This would not do. So I get more information, she is going through a doctor, it costs a lot of money and insurance won't pay for it.
Can someone explain to me why insurance companies are willing to pay thousands upon thousands of dollars for bypass surgeries, and staple surgeries and lap band surgeries, but they are not willing to pay for a health care provider to monitor your eating habits and make sure you are loosing weight in a healthy manor? I mean it is a FRACTION of the price to just give us some guidance and such than it is to have surgery.
I end up finding out that this weight loss doctor is also a PCM, interesting...I need a new PCM. Reviews are great, seems to be a good person. So a plan hatches. MUAHAHAHA. I will switch to him as my PCM...then see if he can prescribe this weightless treatment plan. I mean my mom is with Kaiser so anything she does outside of them is not covered. But if I'm his patient then just maybe! So we come to today. My evil plan of tricking the doctor is going to come up. I have my in take appointment. I have never met with a nicer PCM. He listened, and sat there and answered every question I had about every health problem I've EVER had and gave me advice and options for each one. We finally got to the weight one. He goes over his plan and why he is confident it will work for me. There was a moment where I wondered if I was talking to a Used Car Salesmen. I was so convinced that I NEEDED this.
But then it hit me. I did NEED this. This was not a want this was a need. Granted it is expensive and I do not have much free money for myself each month. But you know what. I can't live like this. I NEED change. So he works some things out with me to get some of the things covered by insurance (like the labs, tests etc). I do some quick math in my head and realize that I'm not leaving the house for any reason over the next three months, but I'm in.
You know what happened in that moment. I was happy. I had a plan. He had a goal for me and he was confident I would reach my goal in 8-12 weeks. 8-12 weeks to hit my end goal. But treatment doesn't end at just reaching the goal. It continues far beyond that until I have fully changed my lifestyle and learn how NOT to put the weight back on. So I can learn how to fit in that Pazookie every now and then, or that popcorn. Not only am I happy, but I"m excited. I also started thinking that I know why I did so well the first time I did the Paleo cleanse. I PAID for it. I was paying to be apart of a group of people who were all doing the cleanse. I was paying to have the trainer and the nutritionist tell me exactly what to do every step of the way. I made it 6 months last time, this time I barely made it the 28 days.
This time I'm paying for it, so I have to commit or it is just a waste of money. I have to make this work. I have to find a way to change my life so I can pass on good eating habits to my daughter. So here I go again. Fatty against the Whale. I can still make my yearly goal. I can still change my lifestyle I can still do it. I had a set back but I will not accept failure.
May 18th I start my new program, and if you're interested come along for the ride. Here is to never having to write Fatty vs the Whale (take 3).
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
and a ray of sunshine. blue jean sunshine.
i was feeling rather down and out that i didn't lose as much weight as i had hoped to. for the most part, i stuck to the diet pretty well. i had an occasional weak moment here and there but compared to how i was eating before, this was an entirely different ball field. a much healthier ball field. regardless, seeing those numbers stop dropping on the scale bummed me out. how is it that i cut out all the crap in my diet and i still only managed to lose ten pounds?!
then it happened. i ran out of my stretchy jeans and reached for an old pair and rubber band to ghetto rig the button. you know that trick, right? please tell me you know that trick. anyways, a funny thing happened. as i was looping the rubber band around the button, i realized the button actually reached the button hole. i took a deep breath and looped the button through the hole. holy crap. they buttoned. not one week before, i was no where near buttoning these jeans. not even close. i could hear the poor rubber band moaning as i tried to close them. not this time. this time, they fit.
it hit me then, i may not have lost as much weight as i had hoped but i did lose some inches. i'll take it. i'm totally rocking these jeans from now on and i refuse to use that rubber band ever again. it's currently retired in the bahamas (aka: the trash).
Who knew diet food could taste like this?!
So normally when I start eating healthy I start feeling so deprived! I mean really, food tends to be bland. I had the concept that if it tasted good, I probably couldn't or really shouldn't eat it. However I started researching some sites for gluten free and paleo diet approved recipes. Mainly because Lazy was telling me that she has been receiving notes from people asking about recipes. I was AMAZED when I started looking through some of them. I have to say I really like the site Paleo Diet Lifestyle. The recipes on there seemed so unreal. I already linked a few from this site, the Zucchini Cakes and the Pesto Mashed Potatoes. Holy moly! I was looking at these pictures like...no way. There is NO WAY these things are paleo approved! They look way way too delicious. So I had to try them out. I invited the BF over for dinner, I had originally convinced him to go to the gym with me, but I got so hungry that I changed it to me cooking some new recipes (always a scary thought) and us eating a nice healthy dinner at home.
I started out my adventure at Whole Foods. Why go to all the trouble of eating 100% paleo with these recipes and not doing organic. At least this time. That and there were some things I wasn't sure I would be able to pick up at Safeway (although their organic food and gluten free selection is growing). One of my new favorite finds is Ghee. Its a butter that is acceptable on the Paleo Diet. What?! Butter?! NO WAY! And let me tell you its tastes just fine. I had almost all the ingredients when the BF showed up at whole foods. Perfect. Just in time for my internal debate and struggle on which type of flour to buy. The recipe called for Almond flower, but they were out. Now I had to think about and pick from about 14 other types of flower that were all approved. On a side note- I would really like to think that the reason Whole Foods was out of Almond Flour was because so many of you amazing fans read our blog and just had to run out and try this recipe as well. I settled on Hazelnut Flour, I figured it was a nut and I like hazelnut, so hopefully the texture and taste would be okay with the recipe.
Shredding Zucchini |
potatoes cooking |
I got home and started preparing everything. I really am not that great of a cook, I fake it well though. I really only know how to cook 3 or 4 things, I just rotate them and hope the people in my life do not get too bored with their food options. After this let's make that 5-6 things I can make. These recipes were so easy! I started off with the zucchini cakes as I felt they would take the most time. I shredded the zucchini and added the salt and let it sit as instructed. While that was sitting I peeled and cut up the potatoes and got them in the boiling water to soften them up. I switched over to the chicken, threw some seasoning, garlic into a bag and mixed it all up with the chicken. That was going to get to sit for a bit to marinate. Had I been more prepared I would have started the chicken marinating hours prior.
ready to de-water |
Back to the zucchini. I had to squeeze all the water out...Umm have you ever done this?! The recipe said I would be shocked by how much water came out. NO JOKE. It was an endless supply of water! That got transferred back into the bowl once it was de-watered, and the final ingredients were added into the mix. Back to the potatoes where I drained them. Adding the Ghee and garlic into the pot to melt and infuse with each other. Oil into another pan for the chicken. Lastly some ghee into a third pan for the zucchini. I made the patties out of the zucchini mixture and once the ghee was melted and coating the pan, I threw some in. Chicken on, then potatoes back into their pan and mashed. I added the pesto into the potatoes, flipped the zucchini and then flipped the chicken. (Aren't you loving my play by play, hey I'm really impressed with my skills on this one okay?) A little coconut milk to make the potatoes fluffy. Zucchini cakes out of pan, next batch in. Eventually I had everything done and the BF and I sat down to eat.
Zucchini cakes in the pan |
I was nervous. Other than the chicken this was all relatively new to me. Sure I have made mashed potatoes before but they normally include mass amounts of cheese and butter and sour cream and sometimes even cream cheese. No way these could taste good. Yet...they were amazing. I scarfed them down. I waited for the BF to try the zucchini cakes. Now zucchini is a new like to me in the last couple years. I really did not care for the taste before then. I wasn't so sure if I would like this or not. He liked it, that was a good sign. I tried them and they were so good I couldn't wait to go get another cake. All that I could think about was how good this food was, and how I was somehow getting away with something for eating it all. I had seconds of the zucchini and the potatoes. I ate a huge breast of chicken. I was so mad at myself for overeating yet again. I mean I just got back down after my last over eating attack at the Mexican restaurant. This was going to be bad for both me and my waist line. Yet the next more I had still lost a pound! NO WAY. Delicious food, and a lot of it, and I can still lose weight?! This paleo diet really isn't going to be as hard as I thought to maintain.
Some things I figured out while making these....The potatoes could have used more garlic. I will be doubling it next time I make them. Also, there is so much importance to getting the water out of the zucchini. I didn't get as much out as I probably could have and they did not cook up as much as in the picture from the recipe. They fell apart easily as well. I have made these again (last night with the help of my niece) and they came out so much better. I added a bit more flower, and had M squeeze as much water as she could out.
Finished Pesto Mashed Potatoes |
Finished Zucchini Cakes |
Paleo Diet Approved Meal |
If you're looking for a great gluten free meal or a great paleo diet meal, this is it! I def will not combine the potatoes and the zucchini into one meal again (both were pretty rich) but I now know they are good! Try them out! Let me know how you like them, or any alterations you made to the recipes!
Gluten Free,
Lazy Ass,
weight loss,
Goodbye Cleanse.
Weight: 140 lbs
Last Week's Weight: ??
Starting Weight: 150 lbs
Loss this week: ??
Total Loss: 10 lbs
Goal: 125 (pounds to go: 15)
Last Week's Weight: 158
Starting Weight: 170 lbs
Loss this week: 0
Total Loss: 12 lbs
Goal: 135 (pounds to go: 23)
Wow first month down already?! Time has seriously flown by. I feel pretty good. Want to know how I know I'm feeling good? Because I did a little indulging and I felt sick! So sick. That means the cleanse has worked. I have all the bad stuff out of my system and now when I taste it, my body rejects it. I am on the right track with everything! Weight wise I am not where I had hoped to be but I am still making progress. I have been running pretty much ever day in training for the half marathon that is in just a few weeks. Both Lazy and I have put some weight back on, I am hoping it is mostly because of the exercise and increased muscle. However we have still made a lot of progress!
Last night we spent time playing outside with the kids. The kids rode their bikes, scooters, quads (we ran after them and chased balls down the street). Then we went inside for dinner. My niece and I made the zucchini cakes from the recipe I shared. This was my second time making them, and they turned out better than the first time! It was so great to be able to cook healthy with her. This is why I want to change my lifestyle so badly, not just so I become healthy and lose weight, but so my daughter and niece and nephew see me making smart decisions and learning how to make them as well. It was also great having an assistant that could help out, you know like squeezing all the water out of the zucchini, hey it feels all icky when I do it...why not let the kid "help"? We sat down as a family, the kids ate (well M and H ate, my little decided that running around was more fun. Her loss, this was a great meal!) We enjoyed chicken, zucchini cakes, and steamed veggies. It was a great day. One of my favorite days in fact.
I've joined some weight loss forums lately just to try to see what others are doing, and see if I can connect with others who are doing or have done a paleo diet and/or gluten free diet. What I have come to realize is that I am so lucky to have a partner to help me stay on track and motivated. Not only do I have Lazy Ass, but I have a really amazing BF that helps keep me on track. When I get a craving, like that oreo cookie cake thing at chills the other night, he convinced me I really didn't want it, even though I kept telling him I did. In the end I would have regretted it, and he knew it. So my big suggestion this week for anyone who is working on this resolution of weight loss/ healthy lifestyle etc, find a friend/family member anyone to do it with you or at least support you in it. It makes such a difference!
Gluten Free,
Lazy Ass,
weight loss,
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Well I really did it....I went WAY off track last night. Not completely off the diet/cleanse, but I way overate and I'm paying for it.
Let me set the scene for you, family dinner, birthday celebration, Mexican restaurant. I love mexican. I was nervous at first. Last year when I did the cleanse I think I had way more self motivation. If my family was going out to a restaurant last year, I would skip it unless it was on my approved restaurant list. (There are really only like 2 in the area that I feel are okay to eat at during the cleanse.) However last night I was weak. It was Lazy's birthday and man I have been craving Mexican.
I had no idea what I could order...everything has dairy and I already had my dairy this week. I have been trying to limit my dairy even though it was cleared for me to eat after the cleanse last year. Looking over the menu I thought I found something safe- the taco salad, minus the sour cream. I left the cheese on it as it is just a little bit sprinkled on the top. Pinto beans, lettuce, chicken, tomatoes. Not a bad meal to be honest.
However the chips were 100% corn. You know what that means? GLUTEN FREE. Chips are my downfall. I'm a huge chips and dip girl. I don't think you can really ever go wrong with chips and dip. Some good restaurant corn chips with in house made salsa....the best of the chips and dip family. I easily ate a basket of chips all by myself. Then I demolished my salad. It was like I had never seen food before. By the end of the meal I was SO STUFFED I thought I would literally explode.
Was it worth it? Normally I would say yes, I love food. But this time I'm really disappointed with myself. I had a goal to hit 155 before the end of this cleanse and I am not so sure it is going to happen now as I have gained some serious weight from my fun eating last night. Hell it was really more like binge eating. Add that to the binge eating from Sunday's game and what has happened is I have really back tracked. Why is my motivation so much different this year than last year?
To start to compensate for my Mexican downfall from last night I went out for a run this morning. I started out with my brisk walk to warm up sent a quick text to lazy to let her know I was out being active. (she always makes me feel so supported and excited to run.) And then I went to put on my carefully constructed playlist.....that apparently was no longer on my phone....along with all of my music which has magically disappeared since last night. Except one album. Glee's Christmas album. Well. Some music is better than none. At least I thought it would be. There is just something about trying to run to Blue Christmas that just isn't right. My pace was horrible, I was not pumped up. In fact I just really wanted to get home, get under a blanket and start a fire in the fire place. It was really not good music to run to. I got two miles down at my standard 15/min/mile pace. I did not burn near as many calories as I would have liked, but I am determined to at least get back to 158, if not 155 in the next few days.
Lazy mentioned continuing with the cleanse for another month. Unfortunately you cannot take the pills and the PaleoCleanse for more than the 28 days, on the bright side you can do the cleanse ever few months. So my goal will be to keep up with the diet (gluten free, sugar free, soy free etc) as long as possible now instead of just staying gluten free. I need to make up some serious ground for last night.
Let me set the scene for you, family dinner, birthday celebration, Mexican restaurant. I love mexican. I was nervous at first. Last year when I did the cleanse I think I had way more self motivation. If my family was going out to a restaurant last year, I would skip it unless it was on my approved restaurant list. (There are really only like 2 in the area that I feel are okay to eat at during the cleanse.) However last night I was weak. It was Lazy's birthday and man I have been craving Mexican.
I had no idea what I could order...everything has dairy and I already had my dairy this week. I have been trying to limit my dairy even though it was cleared for me to eat after the cleanse last year. Looking over the menu I thought I found something safe- the taco salad, minus the sour cream. I left the cheese on it as it is just a little bit sprinkled on the top. Pinto beans, lettuce, chicken, tomatoes. Not a bad meal to be honest.
However the chips were 100% corn. You know what that means? GLUTEN FREE. Chips are my downfall. I'm a huge chips and dip girl. I don't think you can really ever go wrong with chips and dip. Some good restaurant corn chips with in house made salsa....the best of the chips and dip family. I easily ate a basket of chips all by myself. Then I demolished my salad. It was like I had never seen food before. By the end of the meal I was SO STUFFED I thought I would literally explode.
Was it worth it? Normally I would say yes, I love food. But this time I'm really disappointed with myself. I had a goal to hit 155 before the end of this cleanse and I am not so sure it is going to happen now as I have gained some serious weight from my fun eating last night. Hell it was really more like binge eating. Add that to the binge eating from Sunday's game and what has happened is I have really back tracked. Why is my motivation so much different this year than last year?
To start to compensate for my Mexican downfall from last night I went out for a run this morning. I started out with my brisk walk to warm up sent a quick text to lazy to let her know I was out being active. (she always makes me feel so supported and excited to run.) And then I went to put on my carefully constructed playlist.....that apparently was no longer on my phone....along with all of my music which has magically disappeared since last night. Except one album. Glee's Christmas album. Well. Some music is better than none. At least I thought it would be. There is just something about trying to run to Blue Christmas that just isn't right. My pace was horrible, I was not pumped up. In fact I just really wanted to get home, get under a blanket and start a fire in the fire place. It was really not good music to run to. I got two miles down at my standard 15/min/mile pace. I did not burn near as many calories as I would have liked, but I am determined to at least get back to 158, if not 155 in the next few days.
Lazy mentioned continuing with the cleanse for another month. Unfortunately you cannot take the pills and the PaleoCleanse for more than the 28 days, on the bright side you can do the cleanse ever few months. So my goal will be to keep up with the diet (gluten free, sugar free, soy free etc) as long as possible now instead of just staying gluten free. I need to make up some serious ground for last night.
Gluten Free,
Lazy Ass,
weight loss,
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Thank you!!!
Hey Everyone!!
Over night we hit 1,000 views to the blog. Lazy and I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you! We really appreciate all the love and support our friends and family have given us. Thanks again to our followers and everyone who has been sharing our blog with their friends and family. Thanks again!
Fatty & Lazy Ass
Monday, January 23, 2012
exercising leads to bleeding of the face
if i could summarize today in one word it would be: holyfreakingcrapmyabshavebeenreplacedwithtinyangryevilelves. it's a word. i looked it up. hey, at least i didn't push a hash tag in front of it.
the sad part is, i barely did anything yesterday. i did a handful of crunches and pretended like i was on So You Think You Can Dance for maybe 15 mins. i also used 'taking pictures to document this' as an excuse to step away for a second every 2 minutes. i didn't run a marathon. i didn't climb mount everest. i put on some clothes that once fit me but seem to have shrunk in the wash and cut off my circulation for most of the workout. i'm pretty sure that's the only reason i lasted 20 mins. i couldn't feel the lower half of my body.
i had plans of working out today but instead convinced myself my kids need a 'rainy day activity day'. we baked. we played candyland and memory. i taught M Yahtzee and lost miserably (and realized my 5 year old is better than me in... well... everything). i did this all under the guise of being a 'good mom'. really, i just needed to stay seated as long as possible. it was a win-win. the kids got good and messy, i got to keep the angry elves happy. M laughed a lot. H peed on my foot. i had to look away as i couldn't move fast enough to get my foot out from under him. really, just a typical day in my household.
i also realized baking was not a good project for a diet. not. at. all. fresh baked cookies? normally not a huge issue for me but i needed comfort. i had the man flu of the abs. i had to laugh at myself when i then made some gluten free pasta for dinner. i learned very quickly that laughing was entirely too painful so it ended in this funky snort thing that caused a bloody nose. i also learned that one must make sure that they flush the toilet after throwing the bloody nose tp away or one's 5 year old might think she started her period. oops. mom fail.
tomorrow i exercise. my mini guru will make sure of it.
Heavy Medals
I had not originally intended this to be as long as it is however I have perfected the concept of the "word vomit" in the last few years (thanks for the term MiMi) so now when I go to write something brief, it ends up turning into a saga. Sorry in advance for this word vomit.
My mom and I finishing the Devil Mountain 5k |
Lazy & I at the Devil Mountain Race |
So what was this poorly timed injury? Well it was a pulled Achilles tendon. I am not new to this injury. I have torn my tendon before (once from track in middle school, and once from volleyball). Its not a fun injury. This was the point right before I would tear it. I could feel the strain with every move I made. See this is what I get for training. If I had just sat on the couch like I had originally planned before people put the whole "you have to train" idea in my head this injury may never have happened. What's that you say? If I had actually trained I may not have injured myself? Thats silly.
I rested for the next two weeks keeping my tendon as comfy as possible, working on stretching and walking. I was not going to miss this event. Mainly because I had spent the time and effort (and cash) to register. That was a lot of work filling out that form on the internet and clicking that send button. My brain was going crazy with mathematical formulas. I figured out my slowest pace to finish under 4 hours, which was a requirement to be considered an actual finisher. so 13.1 miles into 4hrs (240 minutes) was approximately an 18 minute mile average. fantastic! My leisurely stroll is at an 18minute/mile pace. I had this in the bag. I could walk the whole way and still finish with a few minutes to spare.
In my corral waiting for the race to start. |
I got to the race early and found my corral. I have to say it was nice to be placed into corrals based on estimated pace. It was great because then I could take a visual note of the people around me and do my best to stay with them. My goal was to stick with the group of ladies wearing bright pink from head to toe. I figured they would be easy to spot in the crowd. The adrenaline was insane. None of the other races I had completed made me this hyped up at the starting line. Even crazier- it took 12 minutes for my corral to get to the starting line after the gun was fired. Thats how many people were there. As with every race, I started out running as long as I could. I didn't make it very far, which was fine. I was actually feeling okay. My tendon was playing nice. I kept up my stride trying to not get too distracted by the live bands and all the people lining the streets cheering. I even met up with a nice girl who was running her first marathon. Funny thing- she did this whole training thing for it. With a trainer. We had the same estimated time of arrival for the finish line so I thought- let's hang out with this chick, she will make sure I finish on time. Mile one down- 12 minutes. Sweet! This was going to be cake. The next couple miles I averaged about 14 miles- closer to my normal time. Then my trained partner really started slowing down. The next mile took about 20 minutes. I freaked. The math monkey in my head was screaming at me 18 minutes... you have to stay under 18 minutes! So I explained to my new running partner what my math monkey is telling me and that we need to pick up our pace to finish in time. She tells me to go ahead, and that she will catch up. That was the last time I saw here during the race. It was like one of those moments in a horror movie where everyone splits up and you know you're never going to really see each other again. But I was determined to finish.
I was on my own again. A lone runner on the road....in a sea of countless of other lone runners. Okay so I wasn't really alone, but it was lonely without someone to talk to the whole way. I was seriously rocking this whole Rock n Roll half marathon. I had signed up for this tracking thing that would send out a text message as I passed certain points in the race with how long it took me and how far it was. I asked Lazy as well as the BF and my mom to track me with the condition that if I stopped making progress that they call 911 and explain that somewhere along that 13.1 mile race there was an overweight, out of shape untrained fatty that had most likely died. I might sound like my fear was exaggerating, but I had a friend tell me a story that they watched a woman die of a heart attack a year earlier in the same race. And apparently that woman looked like she was in good shape. I was scared I might not make it to the end of the race. I promise this tangent is going somewhere.
So I've been making pretty good progress. I am right on to finish under my goal of 3 hrs 30 minutes, and my tendon is not causing any problems... yet. Right around the 8 mile mark I realized that the tape I had used to try to support my ankle was now doing more harm than good. My swollen leg and ankle was causing the tape to be too tight and it was hurting. I couldn't run at all. So the next first aid station I came to I sat down and waiting and had them cut the tape off of me. Man that felt good. The circulation was doing better, and the pain was going away. Unfortunately it took about 8 minutes for them to get to me and cut it off. I had time to make up. I started out at a fast walk to see how my tendon was holding up without the support then took off running. It wasn't bad at all, at first. By the 10 mile mark I could barely run, though I kept trying. What I had not thought about was the there people that were told to keep track of my progress. I pulled out my phone to check my pace and realized I had a bunch of texts, "Are you alive?......Hello?......Should I call 911?" Ooops, my time had really suffered from the stop at the first aid station and having to walk so much- I had not passed the next marker at the same pace and no one had heard from me. Although I must say...no one actually called 911. What if I needed help?! Thanks people. Luckily I was fine and just moving slower. After what felt like forever I recognized some familiar territory, I was nearing where I started the race. I was close to the finish. People were walking on the sidewalk in the opposite direction with the medals around their necks yelling "NOT MUCH FARTHER KEEP IT UP!" The adrenaline hit. I ran as much as I could, I was going to make sure I was running when I crossed that finish line.
By the way those people need to think about their definition of "not much farther" it felt like the farthest part of the race even though I was only a mile away. It took forever. But I made it. I ran across the finish line and was handed my first medal for running ever. In that moment I was so proud of myself, I just completed 13.1 miles in 3hrs 28 minutes. Thats two minutes under my goal that I gave the event management when I registered. Two minutes under with an injury. I was so excited. I started walking around the finishers area. My ride had not quite made it back with all the traffic so I just kept walking in circles. I had one of those moments where I was worried if I stopped moving I might just pass out. About 20 minutes after I crossed the line and was walking trying to figure out a good place to be picked up, I saw my "partner" from the beginning of the race. She was so not happy. She was on the phone, swearing up a storm. "F them for not giving me one...so what if it was over 4 hours, I still crossed the finish line. I paid the money...". Part of me felt so bad, I know if that was me I would had been pissed, but I think I would have been pissed with myself for not finishing in time, not the event staff. Although my smart ass side got the better of me, all I could think was "ahh...so thats what training gets ya...." It made me realize that all the training in the world cannot replace determination and self motivation.
My first Medal! |
So now a new year is upon us and there is a new goal. Last year it was to compete in and finish my first half marathon. This year it is to complete at least 2 in the Rock n Roll series so I can pick up a "Heavy Medal"
![]() |
Complete 2 races and get the Rock Encore Heavy Medal |
So are you still here reading? Thanks. Thanks for making it all the way through the entire word vomit that is this post.
Sunday, January 22, 2012
we kicked that workout video's butt

i did what i said i would do. i'm working on following through, not one of my strong points. i worked out. i worked out with my mini aerobics team which consisted of my 5 year old who was all too excited about it and my two year old who freaks out any time i try to work out. i think it's because he's realizing someone is making me sweat and he figures that's his job. anyways, here's M all ready for the work out. i swear i was as eager to begin as her (okay... i lie).

we set up H on the couch with some toddler friendly activities, tape, a marker and some scissors. hey, i had to do what i can.
m and i began our work out. i attempted some 30 mins to a g-d like body video but my dvd player seems to be in a trial separation with the tv. no fear, i looked up some workout videos On Demand and when M spotted Hip Hop Dance Workouts, she went ape shit. M has never seen a hip hop video in her life yet she still thinks this is a skill she was born with and will show her moves to anyone who will watch... scratch that... anyone. here's us getting our groove on.
obviously she was right. while she looked like she's been doing this her whole life, i looked like and angry duck on steroids.
H finally lost interest in taping himself up and giving his white socks a purple hue and demanded that we 'turn dat dancing off, right now!' with a little persuading, he finally got into it. here's H showing off his moves. he's a maniac, maniac.
after our dance video(s), M decided we needed to do the ab workout. apparently abs are the new Hello Kitty. seeing as i desire an apron free stomach and my workout guru wasn't giving me much of an option. i obliged. while we were working out, H decided to serenade us. right at our heads. as we were working out. i convinced him to move by giving him my mat for 2 seconds then offering to let him take a picture of us. hopefully, you can tell which one is which. thanks for the butt shot, H. thanks.
i had to laugh at the poor man on the ab workout video. he was sweating like a mad man. he had tons of muscles. muscles must be very warm. i'd like to see him try to do the plank with a 24 lbs 2 year old on his back telling him to 'go faster, horsey!'
all in all, it was a successful workout. there were the normal issues that arose, like, having a train driven across my face as i was trying to do crunches or yelling into the bathroom to 'remember to take your undies off first!' i can't wait to see what round two brings.
see you later, blogger land.
yours truly,
lazy ass, et al.
What's Perfect?! End of Week 3 Weigh-in
Contender #1: Lazy Ass
Weight: ?? lbs (Dead Scale)
Last Week's Weight: 138lbs
Starting Weight: 150 lbs
Loss this week: ? lbs
Total Loss: 12 lbs
Goal: 125 (pounds to go: 15)

Contender #2: Fatty
Weight: 158 lbsLast Week's Weight: 161 lbs
Starting Weight: 170 lbs
Loss this week: 3 lbs
Total Loss: 12 lbs
Goal: 135 (pounds to go: 23)
I have to say I am so excited I passed my week goal to get below 160! TAKE THAT WHALE-TWIN hah! Although the problem is I was thinking 160 was going to be my plateau number. Oh how wrong I was. 158 is the new 160. I hit 158 on Wednesday. Thursday 158. Friday 158. Saturday 158. SUNDAY 158. I'm really getting sick of seeing this number. Its starting to feel like some creepy horror movie. I think my scale has a sick sense of humor. I mean I would really even settle for 157.9 at this point just to get rid of this number that is in my nightmares now. My goal for this final week of the cleanse is to get to 155. I am really hoping I can make it and based on my weight loss of the last few weeks it is attainable.
So Lazy Ass just talked about how amazing I have been during this, and I am so flattered. However I am no where near perfect with this cleanse! I have had my moments where I have eaten things I know I shouldn't (can we have those crazy wave things and have a flash back moment to where I went on about how I JUSTIFIED the french fries because they were potatoes and olive oil?) And I can guarantee today is going to be a serious cheat day. Why? it's game day, I'm at a party and I only have so much self control. However I will NOT be having gluten. That is my big goal this year is to keep gluten out of my diet as long as possible.
During the classes we tool last year with a nutritionist along with our cleanse, we learned that the removal of most of these things during the cleanse is to partially find out if you are allergic or intolerant to them. We were told if you find out you are not allergic or intolerant to lactose, that it is okay to have dairy next time you do the cleanse. Last time I had NO issues when dairy was slowly added back into my diet. This time I knew it would be okay to have some dairy, and that has been my main cheat. Once a week I have had something with cheese. Today will be my cheat day. I will be making nachos and they will have cheese. Everything else on them will be gluten free and go along with the cleanse. It however does not go along with my 3 shake a day plan as I will be snacking on actual food all day.
I think one of the important things for both Lazy Ass and I is that we are not perfect. No on is. We are real people struggling every day with decisions and temptation. Some days we will be great and will be able to say no. Other days we might waiver and end up with eating something we know we shouldn't have. But what this whole experience comes down to is we are learning. We have a year long goal to be healthier. This is only the first month. We both have 11 more to figure out how to work our goals into our life styles. To think that we could be PERFECT from day one and never have any issues is insane! Learning to live with our temptation and giving in just enough so we can learn balance is what I am hoping we both can take out of this experience. There will always be parties and cake. And sometimes I think its okay to have your cake and eat it too, in moderation.
This brings us to the last week of the cleanse. However this is not the last week of our journey. This last week continues the goal of 3 shakes a day. On Saturday we are going to be heading to The Counter in Walnut Creek for our first victory lap. It has been a long 3 weeks, and this last week will bring more challenges. Come join us on Saturday for good food at affordable prices!
Gluten Free,
Lazy Ass,
weight loss,
Saturday, January 21, 2012
I'm doing it. It as in exercising. Not the other 'it'. Mind out of the gutter, folks. Okay, I'm not technically doing it now but I'm thinking about it which has to count for at least 50%. Tomorrow, I'm popping in a work out DVD (I wonder if I can jam my Jane Fonda VHS' into that little DVD hole) and getting schwetty. M is home with me tomorrow. Know what this means? Pictures. There will be pictures. I might also have her teach me how to work the camera on this phone. Ps, M is 5.
weigh ins and a scale on strike
tomorrow is weigh in day. the problem? my scale is broken. every time i step on it, it says Err. i've taken this to mean one of two things a) i've lost so much weight my scale has freaked out and is out celebrating or 2) i've gained all the weight back and my scale has given up hope. i really hope it's the first and it will be back in a few days with a nasty hangover causing it to leave off some extra digits.
i have not been perfect in this journey. for some reason, i can't find the will power to say no as i was once able to. i have learned a big reason why it's so much harder for me this time though. i'm getting up really early to get a cranky kindergartener and a defiant toddler ready to leave the house within 3 mins of school starting. i then have to take the toddler to his grandfather's house only to rush back and put on a decent pair of clothes and jet off to help in the kindergartener's class. after helping, i head to pick up the toddler who is now ready for a nap even though we have to go get his sister in an hour so i'm seriously entertaining him to keep him awake. after picking up the big, i have to make lunches then nap both of them. at this point, i've had an insane amount of coffee and my stomach is on the verge of a boycott and i'm using the last bit of energy to throw in a load of laundry and straighten up for round two. they wake up cranky and demanding to be held as i'm getting them ready for afternoon activities. by 5 pm, i'm starving and we're rarely home at that point. my choices for food are narrowed and my inhibitions are lowered. i need food. any food. i would eat cat food at that point. i cave and eat something mildly okay then have horrible guilt and end up eating some crap food later on swearing i'll do better the next day. realistically, it never happens that way. i'm on a vicious rinse/repeat cycle swearing the next day will be different.
i'm starting to come up with a solid plan though. i need to wake up earlier and force myself to eat. before i hit the on switch for the coffee pot, something better be cooking. when i pack the kids lunches, i will make extra baggies of approved snacks for me to carry along, even if its just to get me to my next meal. i will make sure we come home for dinner, even if it means preparing extra snacks to hold the kids over until we get home. i wish i had come up with this plan sooner. i wish i could walk away from this saying 'i did it! i accomplished something!' but i honestly don't feel like i did. for this reason, i'm going to continue on with the program for an extra month. i will celebrate what i did manage to do at the end of this month. i will enjoy a burger but maybe skip the bun. i will praise my efforts more and be a little less hard on myself. i will not cave to the feeling of 'oh, i already failed, what difference does it make.' i look at my partner in crime (Fatty) and am amazed at how well she has stuck to this. her will power and desire to change her life is amazing. she is going to be my role model for the upcoming months.
oh, and i will also attempt to do that exercising thing.... ugh. wish me luck.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
An all new level of lazy
I have reached an all new level of lazy. Due to some suggesting from Fatty, I now can access the blog on my phone. Do you know what this means?? I can update at any time, including while my actual computer is on my lap. Who's lazy now? This guy.
Missing: Lazy Ass
So Lazy Ass finally went out and got herself an iPhone. Yep she has a reliable smart phone now (for those of you wondering she is coming off a long-term relationship with a series of crap-berries). I was so excited! I thought this means that she would have more access to the site and blog a little more. But just the opposite has happened now that she has it she is so preoccupied with taking Instagram pictures and sending videos and actually being able to send/receive text messages that she has forgotten all about the ability to blog. So this post is to remind her to download the blogger app and get going!
On another note: the Bible has seriously gone missing. So I guess we are winging it. I remember there was something strange during these last few days but I think as long as we both stay on track for the most part we will be good! I also have not been making it to the gym as much as I had hoped, but I made a small change, I take the stairs as much as possible now. I NEVER took the stairs before. One floor of stairs? Oh wait! Look! An elevator! SWEEEET. Now even with baby in arm I do my best to take the stairs up and or down. There are still moments where I do take an elevator but its little things that I think help. I am also working on getting into a sleep pattern again so I can get up earlier and get to the gym at 6am like I did last year. For some reason I was way more dedicated doing it that early, or at least just getting out first thing in the morning for a run/walk. I say this as it is starting to look like East Bay is going to get the first rain its had in months, but hey being cold is motivation to run faster. Seriously.
Further, I am starting to compile a list of runs/races in the area that I am hoping to compete in. They were great motivation for me to stay active and I hope they can continue that motivation this year. During the cleanse the exercise has not been so important to losing the weight, but after when I can add things like dairy back in I will need to find my balance between diet-exercise again. For anyone reading this- Do you do any races in the Bay Area? I know of a few that I did last year but I am sure there are many other great ones out there!
Lastly, what I am most excited about is that I have not lost my willpower or motivation completely during this. There was a moment when I realized I was not losing weight as quickly as I did last year that I started to fall back into my "What does it matter?!" Mind-set but I kept my mind on my goal and stuck with it. 9 days left on the cleanse and I'm going to finish it!
Oh and if you're looking to hang out next Saturday, I will be at the counter. Enjoying my first victory lap of the year withs one sweet potato fries and perhaps I might even be crazy and try out that gluten free bun.
On another note: the Bible has seriously gone missing. So I guess we are winging it. I remember there was something strange during these last few days but I think as long as we both stay on track for the most part we will be good! I also have not been making it to the gym as much as I had hoped, but I made a small change, I take the stairs as much as possible now. I NEVER took the stairs before. One floor of stairs? Oh wait! Look! An elevator! SWEEEET. Now even with baby in arm I do my best to take the stairs up and or down. There are still moments where I do take an elevator but its little things that I think help. I am also working on getting into a sleep pattern again so I can get up earlier and get to the gym at 6am like I did last year. For some reason I was way more dedicated doing it that early, or at least just getting out first thing in the morning for a run/walk. I say this as it is starting to look like East Bay is going to get the first rain its had in months, but hey being cold is motivation to run faster. Seriously.
Further, I am starting to compile a list of runs/races in the area that I am hoping to compete in. They were great motivation for me to stay active and I hope they can continue that motivation this year. During the cleanse the exercise has not been so important to losing the weight, but after when I can add things like dairy back in I will need to find my balance between diet-exercise again. For anyone reading this- Do you do any races in the Bay Area? I know of a few that I did last year but I am sure there are many other great ones out there!
Lastly, what I am most excited about is that I have not lost my willpower or motivation completely during this. There was a moment when I realized I was not losing weight as quickly as I did last year that I started to fall back into my "What does it matter?!" Mind-set but I kept my mind on my goal and stuck with it. 9 days left on the cleanse and I'm going to finish it!
Oh and if you're looking to hang out next Saturday, I will be at the counter. Enjoying my first victory lap of the year withs one sweet potato fries and perhaps I might even be crazy and try out that gluten free bun.
Gluten Free,
Lazy Ass,
weight loss,
Monday, January 16, 2012
Half-Time! Weigh in & Hello week 3!
Whoa, half way through the cleanse already?! Where has time gone? I'm not really complaining or anything as I really really miss dairy-foods. The gluten free is getting easier each day. Although I'm still dreaming of eating some bread. This last week was packed full of mixed berries and PaleoMeal. I haven't been feeling that great so I've been more sedentary than I would have liked. I have to say that overall I am feeling better. My energy still needs to make a bit of a comeback but I'm finding I am not as tired at the end of a standard day. Although whoever said exercise gives you energy is crazy. I'm always ready for a nap when I get home from the gym.
The weight loss has been going slower this time around than last, which I had expected but I was still hoping that I would drop a pound a day like last year. (Wouldn't that be great?!) I'm still trying to figure out how I can pay someone to go work out for me and just transfer the calories they burned into my body. Although I cannot really complain. I'm walking around in my size 12 jeans that 10lbs ago could barely button. Now they look great! I"m totally kicking my whale-twins butt, even if it is slower than desired.
The next few days of the cleanse brings 3 shakes a day. Not a whole lot of "real" food for us. Once I find my cleanse bible I will give a more detailed explanation of what is coming over the next week but it has been MIA for a few days.
Here it is! Weights from the end of week 2 beginning of week 3.

Contender #1: Lazy Ass
Weight: 138 lbs
Last Week's Weight: 140 lbs
Starting Weight: 150 lbs
Loss this week: 2 lbs
Total Loss: 12 lbs
Goal: 125 (pounds to go: 15)

Contender #2: Fatty
Weight: 161 lbs
Last Week's Weight: 165 lbs
Starting Weight: 170 lbs
Loss this week: 4 lbs
Total Loss: 9 lbs
Goal: 135 (pounds to go: 26)
My personal goal for this week is to get under 160. I know that it is really only 2 lbs and I should have no issue with it. However in my past loss I get stuck at certain numbers. I was stuck at 180, nothing I could do would get me below it until I plowed through it. Then I was stuck at 175.2 for MONTHS it was so frustrating getting on the scale every morning and seeing 175.2.....175.2.......175.1 wait no 175.2. Towards the peek of my weight loss I was able to get down to 160, but never could break it until I worked my way back up to 165, and finally at the end of last year 170. So now I'm back to my latest plateau and I really hope I can smash this one out of the water this week.
Gluten Free,
Lazy Ass,
weight loss,
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