Wednesday, December 28, 2011


hey. i'm lazy ass. it's not that i'm really lazy or anything, it's just that i don't like doing anything.

i'm what i like to call a 'uniform exerciser'. i pretty much join any sport or activity for the uniform. soccer? shin guards, cleats and cool matching socks and shirts?!?! i'm in! oh wait... running? shit. forget it. tae kwon do? snazzy white uniform and colorful belts?! sweet! oh, i have to get hit? screw that. running! jogging stroller, awesome shoes, a water bottle attached to a belt! sold! oh wait... running. we've already discussed running. its not like i'm instantly against any of those. i join whole heartedly. i kick butt. i'm in love. i passionately tell everyone i know about the cool new thing i'm doing. i try to convince them all that they should do it too. eventually, the excitement fades. i realize that i'm exhausted from not sleeping all night due to my 2 year old who is apparently trying for the longest period of time without sleeping and i don't want to get up at 5 am. i make excuses. at the time, they all seem legit. i back the excuses and am ready to defend them and jump on anyone who tries to argue with them. in the end, i know its me and knowing that sucks.

i'm a late night eater. i make the kids healthy meals, eat healthy with them then splurge when they go to bed or when they're not looking. i also have a bottomless pit of a stomach. i genuinely have no sign of being full until i'm ready to spew. i'm sure this is all self induced. i've spent many a nights googling some exotic disorder that makes it impossible for me to know when i'm full but, truth is, i've done it to myself.

this blog isn't some giant diet and transformation that's going to happen all night. i'm taking it slowly this time. i want my kids to grow up seeing what healthy eating habits are, not crash diets and living in front of my computer on the couch (btw, i'm going to need to take my cushion in for some extra filling as its starting to have the shape of my butt imprinted on it). i've let myself go over the last couple of months. i've lost me under this newfound layer of blubber. i've run into a bunch of reasons why i've gotten too heavy for my own good like 1) i'm very close to not being able to see the numbers on the scale. i'm sure that's more due to shrinkage of the scale seeing as it's in the bathroom and it gets steamy in there but still. 2) i used to be a pretty good ice skater. i wasn't a professional or anything but i could hold my own. i tried it the other day and 3 feet onto the ice i realized i just wasted 15 dollars. thankfully my two year old, H, felt the same way about ice skating and i had to take him off. *thank you H!* 3) when i go up the stairs or move at any pace faster than a lazy walk, the saddle bags on my butt hurt. when the hell did that happen?! i'm hoping its a sign that they're about to fall off. 4) my jeans don't button. damn dryer. i've become a leggings wearer and not just for fashion. they fit, they stretch.

anyways, i have to go take M (my 5 year old) to a play date so i'll update more soon. my idea of soon may be a little different than your idea of soon but it will happen. i promise.

lazy ass

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